Gray Area Environmentalist™

Family. Environment. Community.

HOMs fostering Thinking Dispositions and 21st century survival skills

Habits of Mind foster thinking dispositions and 21st century survival skills by developing people’s abilities to be understanding, supple, silly, and exact while utilizing control, cognitive, and sensorial capacities. Thinking dispositions and the seven survival skills share similar traits that link with habits of mind. Respectively, those of being broad and adventurous connect with having agility, adaptability, as well as effective oral and written communication skills that then tie in to being a flexible thinker, taking responsible risks, and being precise in language and thought. Seeking and evaluating reasons, clarifying, and seeking understanding connect to accessing, analyzing information, critical thinking and problem solving which tie into managing impulsiveness, questioning, problem solving, and checking for accuracy. This trend continues as one works through the various thinking dispositions, survival skills, and habits of mind. One could even say thinking dispositions and 21st century survival skills likewise foster habits of mind.

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