Gray Area Environmentalist™

Family. Environment. Community.

Ritchhart, et al. MTV Chapter 1

“Analysis and speculation depend on careful noticing.”  I chose this sentence because taking the time to observe often goes overlooked when analyzing and speculating about various subjects and occurrences. Without these skills, it would be incredibly difficult to imagine the solution to various problems and produce alternative means that may be more efficient for such solutions. Critical thinking requires sets of attributes including these to aide in higher thinking processes that allow for deliberative actions that reduce errors. “Surface learning focuses on memorization of knowledge and facts, often through rote practices, whereas deep learning, has a focus on developing understanding through more active and constructive processes.” I chose this sentence because the various types of thinking that occur are otherwise hindered when students are forced to focuses on memorization. The repetitive manner in which memorization usually takes place eventually places information in long term memory, but as a simplified version of that data. Like coding a computer, developing understanding through more constructive and active means creates more path ways in which that knowledge is stored in our hard drive, allowing for more flexibility and the ability for application once it is time to be retrieved. “Retention of information through rote practice isn't learning; it is training.” I chose this sentence because I couldn’t agree more. We are teaching our students information as if it were muscle memory. No need to think, you just react, you just blink, and you automatically breath.  This in no way allows for innovation. This essential creates involuntary spewing of facts without verification or questioning. “Industrial model”. I chose this phrase because this seems to be a grand theme in the modern era. It mirrors the linear, conforming, and competitive mind frame we have been thought and are teaching our students that prevent them from being effective thinkers and life-long learners. Mass produce, quality control to ensure everyone has the same exact product, ensure that it is done quickly and cheaply, throw it out as soon as it is a little worn out and on to the next one. It is a sad, but true reality in which we currently find ourselves in and most work towards breaking free from. “Minds-on activities”, I chose this phrase because I believe that it is excellent, but it should go together with “hands-on activities”. I do not feel that “hands-on activities” automatically mean mundane or palatable forms of retaining information through practicing. I personally learn best when I am conducting a hands-on activity because it allows me to think, analyze, and understand what I am being taught. I have also seen this process in actions while working with my students.  “Hands-on activities” simultaneously create a “minds-on” platform by pushing people beyond the information that was given to them and allowing them to explore new concepts and form their own understanding. Hands-on as I understand it, mean inquiry based. “Structured reflection”, I chose this phrase because it allows for the incorporation of past knowledge, new information, and different perspectives. With this less passive form of reflection one can further organize their thinking and understanding. Otherwise we tend to place more emphasis on our own opinions that may be unknowingly biased. Metacognitive and awareness are two words that stood out to me because without them it would be quite difficult to make thinking visible and grasp the concept that thinking occurs in more than one way. Creating, Imagining, and Innovating allowed me to reach a better understanding of this reading. Without the ability to imagine I would have had difficulty processing that there are various forms of thinking. Using creativity, I was able to place myself in various made-up scenarios that allowed me to “practice” various ways of thinking. Using innovation combined with creating and imagining allowed me to put together informal mental notes that may aide me in making thinking visible for my students while we share various experiences in the classroom. Those that are hopefully carried out at home as well. 

  • How can we encourage people to think?

  • How can one apply metacognitive practices to expand on other HOMs?


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